Pokémon Let's Go!, Detective Pikachu, and Zelda Rumors!

WWWWEEEEELLLLLCOME! This week, it's back to our regularly scheduled programming with all the Nintendo news you wanna put in your ear holes and eyes knobs. Yes, we're talking about Nintendo's big time Thanksgiving sales numbers (spoilers: they made A LOT of money). We're also debunking all those Skyward Sword rumors and rebuttals, and of course... IT'S TIME FOR POKÉMON!

That's right pals, we've got not one but TWO Pokémon experts on the show this week talking about Detective Pikachu, Let's Go! Pikachu/Eevee, and so holy moly does Casey DeFreitas know a ton about the meta game in every single Pokémon game ever. It's seriously impressive. This week's cast: Zachary RyanPeer SchneiderMiranda Sanchez, and the aforementioned, Casey DeFreitas.

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source http://www.ign.com/articles/2018/11/29/pokemon-lets-go-detective-pikachu-and-zelda-rumors-nvc-ep-434


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